Naples Therapist

365 5th Avenue S.
Naples, FL 34102
(Above the "French Restaurant")

Naples Therapist

Naples Psychotherapist

Mental Health Counselor Naples

Cort Gravengood MA, Ed.S.

Cort Gravengood
Cort is a private psychotherapist seeing clients in the greater Naples area. He specializes in helping adults rebuild their emotional discomforts and restart life as one wants. His pre-licensed Florida service comes after two Masters Degrees from Seton Hall University Graduate School of Psychology (2014), Sierra Nevada College of Graduate School of Education (2003), and a BA in psychology from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Clinical Services

  • > Bipolar Disorders
  • > Depression
  • > Anxiety
  • > Aging & Adjustment
  • > Bereavement Healing
  • > Trauma
  • > OCD
  • > Interpersonal Conflicts
  • > Career Transitions

Cort Gravengood is a practicing Florida mental health counselor in private practice in Naples, Florida. He treats individuals with varying issues including those mentioned above. For further information as to their definition and use, see Common Disorders.

Don't worry, you're like everyone else on the couch

Cort is a generous and caring counselor. He has given considerable thought to my care and my best interest. He continues to help me face the trauma of my past and the difficulties I face week by week.

Mary M.

A friend of mine suggested I see Cort. She was seeing him with some of the same things I was going through after moving to Naples from New Jersey in retirement. Sometimes paradise isn't everything we expect, and I needed to find a way for my husband and I to make this place work. What I found out wasn't all that complicated. Common sense and a few tools for Rob and I, and we've settled in to the kind of place we hoped we'd find.

Senorra W.